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Paul Sanders's Logbook
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The Year of 2002:
Date Type Ident Route Flight Day
Approaches Night Cross
Solo PIC Dual Complex High
01/08/02C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF1.76      1.71.7   Solo practice, did go-arounds, short and soft-field t/o and landings, forward slips
01/17/02C172NN733UCMYF- IPL - L08 - MYF2.83     2.8 2.8   Long solo cross-country, flight following, flight plans, uncontrolled airports
01/19/02C172NN4625GMYF- MYF1.5 8   1.5   1.5  Intro to night
01/20/02C172NN733UCMYF- SNA - MYF2.1 2   2.12.1  2.1  Night cross country
01/24/02C172NN733UCMYF- L18 - MYF1.63  0.5     1.6  Checkride prep, forward slip
01/30/02C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF1.83  0.8     1.8  Checkride prep
02/01/02C172NN733UCMYF- SEE - MYF1.66        1.6  Checkride prep
02/03/02C172NN733UCMYF- MYF0.91      0.90.9   Solo checkride practice, genuine ATC go-around
02/05/02C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - L18 - MYF2.36  0.8     2.3  Checkride prep
02/07/02C172NN4625GMYF- RNM - MYF1.72       1.7   PA-SEL PRACTICAL TEST PASSED!!!!
02/19/02C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF1.631   0.7  1.6   Touch and go's at Ramona at dusk, over to Carlsbad and back in the dark
03/19/02C172NN733UCMYF- MYF0.91       0.9   San Diego Bay low level transition route north, safety pilot for Kimberly
03/23/02C172NN733UCMYF- MYF1.11       1.1   First passenger! Took off from Rwy23 in low clouds, went over Brown, was denied the transition, got a class D transition over Brown to get back to MYF
04/20/02C172NN733UCMYF- L26 - MYF3.22     3.2 3.2   First $100 hamburger, nice high desert resort at Hesperia
05/03/02C172NN733UCMYF- L77 - MYF2.62     2.6 2.6   Took Adrian to Chiriaco Summit, full of babes! Nice restaurant
06/11/02C172NN733UCMYF- HMT - MYF2.02     2.0 2.0   Short trip with Adrian, did a nice forward slip but bounced the landing
06/20/02C172NN733UCMYF- BWC1.31   First flight to Brawley, strong crosswind on landing, did a good pattern, landed slightly off line
06/21/02C172NN733UCBWC- IFP1.91     1.9 1.9   Gorgeous view over Colorado River, very easy flight for my first weekend trip; Laughlin is a nice destination
06/22/02C172NN733UCIFP- BWC2.31     2.3 2.3   Followed river all the way south, used my new GPS to thread through the R-zones, very scenic flight
06/22/02C172NN733UCBWC- MYF1.21   Terrible landing in fine conditions
07/02/02C172NN4625GMYF- MYF1.41       1.4   Sight-seeing trip with Tracy, almost to Hemet and back via the coast and over ramona
08/23/02C172NN733UCMYF-RAL-MYF2.22   3 mi viz in the LA basin, very hard to find the airport or the way back to MYF. I'll avoid that in future. Hurrah for my GPS! Calm and pleasant flight
08/28/02C172NN733UCMYF-PSP-MYF2.82     2.8 2.8   Cassie was new passenger. Nasty turbulence in the Banning Pass, especially on climb out (no power in the heat!). Another awful approach to 28L at MYF.
08/30/02C172NN733UCMYF-AVX-MYF2.32     2.3 2.3   First flight to Catalina! Wow, awesome scenery, scary looking approach but greased the landing (5knot wind). Beautiful place, and great buffalo burgers.
09/13/02C172NN733UCMYF-IPL-MYF2.42     2.4 2.4   Lunch with Teri. Pretty turbulent over the hill, not much fun. Two great landings, though, looks like I've overcome that mental hurdle.
09/25/02C172NN4625GMYF- VGT2.41     2.4 2.4   Vegas baby, yeah!! Class B transition over McCarron, great views of the strip just before dusk. Took Bob and had a blast.
09/27/02C172NN4625GVGT- MYF3.61     3.6 3.6   Class B transition around LAS this time, pretty bumpy all the way back with a strong headwind
11/12/02C172NN733UCMYF- SBA2.41   Flight with Brian Gunn, first LAX transition, perfect clear day 100 miles vis, great flying until another poor xwind landing
11/19/02C172NN4625GMYF-F70-MYF1.82  1.4    1.81.8  Intro to IFR, Equipment, Systems, Attitude instrument flying, climbs, turns, s&l, constant airspeed descents and climbs
12/02/02C172NN4625GMYF-MYF1.7 1 1.4 0.1  1.71.7  Climbs, turns, descents
12/03/02C172NN4625GMYF-MYF1.51  1.3    1.51.5  Partial panel, timed and compass turns
12/03/02C172NN733UCMYF-MYF1.9 1 1.710.2  1.91.9  Partial panel, headings, intro to holds
12/04/02C172NN4625GMYF-SNA-MYF2.82  2.42 2.8 2.82.8  Headings and altitudes, clearance procedures
12/09/02C172NN4625GMYF-HMT-MYF2.12  1.92 2.1 2.12.1  Turns, headings, steep turns, alt
12/09/02C172NN4625GMYF-MYF0.5 1 0.410.5  0.50.5  Clearances, radio skills
12/10/02C172NN4625GMYF-CRQ-SDM-MYF2.9210.12.130.4  2.92.9  ILS, VOR, Radio, IFR departures
12/11/02C172NN4625GMYF-SDM-SEE-CRQ-MYF2.83  2.550.3  2.82.8  DME Arcs, holds, steep turns, LOC, ILS
12/18/02PA28-151N42764MYF-RMN-MYF1.83       1.8   Warrior Checkout - first flight in a low wing!
12/19/02PA28-151N42764MYF-SEE-MYF0.82       0.8   More Warrior Checkout; not used to the power settings yet so had to do a go-around; landing at MYF had a windshear, pushed us down the runway quite hard
SoloPICDualComplexHigh PerformanceRemarks
39 2 3 29 76.2 74 15 0.1 17.2 14 5.8 42.4 9.7 65.3 28.9      
176 12 27 75 342.8 409 57 7.2 59.9 123 26.5 181.6 105.8 301.1 138.3 32.1 4.2  

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