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Paul Sanders's Logbook
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The Year of 2001:
Date Type Ident Route Flight Day
Approaches Night Cross
Solo PIC Dual Complex High
08/12/01C172NN738QAMYF - MYF0.81        0.8  First lesson, preflight inspection, documents, checklists, s&l, climbs, turns, descents
08/17/01C172NN739ZVMYF - MYF1.31        1.3  S&L, climbs, turns, descents, turns to heading, altitude holding, MCA, speed changes, landing setup
08/18/01C172MN61960MYF- MYF1.31        1.3  Ground reference, maneuvers, turns around a pt, square patterns, s-turns across a road
08/27/01C172MN61960MYF- MYF1.71        1.7  MCA, steep turns, power-on stalls & recovery, power-off stalls & recovery
09/04/01C172NN733XLMYF- MYF1.31  0.4     1.3  Emergency engine-out procedures, general engine out operations, steeps, MCA review, IR S&L, climbs,turns, descents
09/05/01C172NN739ZVMYF- RNM - MYF1.56        1.5  Traffic patterns, takeoff and landings, touch and go's
10/23/01C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF1.43        1.4  First lesson with Kimberly, slow flight, turns, landings, collision avoidance
11/01/01C172NN733UCMYF- MYF1.24        1.2  Forward slip, emergency descent, crosswind landing, myf traffic pattern, collision avoidance
11/09/01C172NN733UCMYF- MYF1.81  0.2     1.8  Power-off stalls, steep turns, turns around a point, emergency descent & engine failure, (IR) turns, climbs, descents
11/10/01C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF2.17  0.1     2.1  Touch & go's, forward slips, go-arounds, traffic pattern
11/13/01C172NN733UCMYF- SDM - MYF1.810        1.8  Touch and go's, go-arounds, radio communication
11/16/01C172NN733UCMYF- SDM - MYF2.17    0.1  1ST SOLO!!! Touch and go's, go-around
11/20/01C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF2.08  2nd solo - touch and go's, go-arounds, short field t/o
11/21/01C172NN4625GMYF- MYF1.38  3rd solo - touch and go's
12/02/01C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF1.78        1.7  short & soft field landing and take offs
12/06/01C172NN733UCMYF- MYF1.71  0.2     1.7  Turns around a point, s-turns, sim inst steep turns, emergency descent
12/07/01C172NN4625GMYF- SDM - MYF1.47      1.41.4   Touch and go's, go-around
12/13/01C172NN733UCMYF- PSP - MYF2.32     2.3  2.3  Cross country planning, navigation, pilotage, dead reckoning
12/19/01C172NN733UCMYF- PSP - MYF2.42     2.4 2.4   First solo cross country!
19 2 6 5 31.1 79 0 0.0 0.9 0 0.1 4.7 3.0 5.4 25.7      
176 12 27 75 342.8 409 57 7.2 59.9 123 26.5 181.6 105.8 301.1 138.3 32.1 4.2  

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