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Michael Lowe's Logbook
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Single-Engine Land (Class):
Date Type Ident Route Flight Day
Simulator Approaches Night Cross
Solo PIC Dual Ground Flight
10/01/08C172SN937SAX39 - X390.5          0.5 75.0Introductory Lesson - Preflight, Engine Start, Taxi, Before Takeoff, Normal Takeoff, Turns, Climbing Turns
12/18/09C172SN65329X39 - X390.5 1    0.5   0.50.5105.01 Night Takeoff and Landing - Full Stop, Go-Around, Crosswind, Wind 230 16G27
01/03/10C172SN215PJX39 - LAL - X391.14       1.11.1  143.03 Full Stop Landings With Tower
12/08/09C172SN65329X39 - BKV - X391.23       1.21.2  156.0Traffic Patterns, Takeoffs and Landings, Steep Turns - Flew over house/Saw Bald Eagle
12/29/09C172SN215PJX39 - X391.0 7    1.0   1.0 170.07 Night Full Stop Landings - My brother Ryan came along for the flight
06/19/09C172SN937SAX39 - X390.96 Solo! 3 Full Stop Solo Landings
12/06/09C172SN65329X39 - BKV - X391.45       1.41.4  182.0Traffic Patterns, Takeoffs and Landings, Steep Turn (Hit Wake)
12/15/09C172SN65329X39 - OCF - X391.42  182.0First Solo Cross Country!
12/02/08C172PN612CBX39 - BKV - X391.16         1.10.7188.6Crosswind Takeoff and Landings, Go-Arounds, Carb Heat
10/10/08C172SN937SAX39 - BKV - X391.02         1.00.5190.0Leveloff, Trim, Slow Flight, Descents With/Without Flaps, Glides, Descending Turns, Traffic Pattern
03/24/09C172SN937SAX39 - X391.04         1.00.5190.0Slow Flight, Medium and Steep Turns, Takeoff and Landings
11/17/09C172SN65329X39 - BKV - X05 - X391.06         1.00.5190.0Slow Flight, Stalls, Steep Turns, Takeoffs and Landings
11/24/09C172SN937SAX39 - X390.95       0.90.9 2.0197.0Traffic Patterns, Takeoffs and Landings - First solo flight since 06/19/09
11/10/08C172SN215PJX39 - VDF - X391.06         1.00.8202.0Traffic Patterns, Communications, Side Slip and Crab angles, Takeoffs and Landings - Brought my brother Ryan for his 18th birthday
10/21/08C172SN215PJX39 - X391.01         1.01.0210.0As Above with Collision Avoidance in Climbing/Descents/Turns, 30 Degree Bank Turns Left/Right, Descending Turns - Chuck Norris came along for the flight
06/12/09C172SN215PJX39 - X391.010         1.01.0210.0Takeoffs and Landings, Glides to Landings
11/07/08C172SN937SAX39 - X391.11         1.10.9223.0Slow Flight, Critical Slow Flight, Power Off/Power On Stalls and Recovery; Use of Rudder
12/14/09C172PN612CBX39 - LAL - X391.44  0.8      1.40.6228.4VOR Tracking, Tune, ID, I-R Climbs/Level/Descents/Climb and Descent Turns
05/21/09C172SN937SAX39 - BKV - X391.32 0.70.3 3    1.30.7249.0I-R Basics - VOR/LOC/GPS - 3 ILS9 at BKV
11/03/08C172SN937SAX39 - VDF - TPF - X391.49         1.40.6262.0Traffic Patterns, Communications, Stabilized Approach to Landing
11/14/08C172SN937SAX39 - LAL - X391.42 1.1  3    1.40.6262.0I-R Basics, VOR Tracking, Crab Angles
11/21/08C172SN937SAX39 - ZPH - X391.48         1.40.6262.0Rectangular Patterns, Turns Around a Point, S-Turns, Traffic Pattern, Communications, Crab Angles, Stabilized Approach to Landing
04/08/09C172SN937SAX39 - X391.413         1.40.6262.0Short Field, Soft Field Takeoff and Landings
12/16/09C172SN215PJX39 - VDF - X391.62    1    1.60.2280.0VOR/LOC/GPS/Auto-Pilot, OCF/PIE/LAL/ORL VOR's, Tune, Ident, Intercept, Track, Stalls and Reconfig
05/04/09C172SN215PJX39 - BKV - X391.68         1.60.4288.0Slow Flight, Stalls and Recovery, Steep Turns, Slips, Go-Arounds
12/10/09C172SN65329X39 - OCF - X391.6 2    1.61.6  1.60.4288.0Night Cross Country Less Than 100 nm, 2 Full-Stop Night Landings - My sister Hanna came along for the flight
12/28/09C172SN937SAX39 - OCF - X392.16 0.5293.0Solo Cross Country, VOR Tracking, Takeoffs and Landings
11/20/09C172SN215PJX39 - ZPH - LAL - PCM - VDF - X391.66         1.60.9308.0Local Airports, Picked Chuck Norris up at VDF and brought back to X39
01/07/10C172SN937SAX39 - VNC - LAL - PCM - X392.24 0.5308.5155 NM Solo Cross Country, Flight Following from X39 to VNC and VNC to X39, Tracked the LAL VOR out of VNC
01/06/10C172SN215PJX39 - X391.83  0.5      1.80.2324.0Test Prep, IR Basics and IR Unusual Attitude
11/30/09C172SN65329X39 - ORL - X391.82      1.8  1.80.7334.0Cross Country to Orlando Executive, Class B and D Airspace
SoloPICDualGroundFlight CostRemarks
31 2 4 11 39.7 130 10 1.8 1.6 0.0 7 3.1 9.1 10.9 10.9 28.8 16.5 6939.5  
31 2 4 11 39.7 130 10 1.8 1.6 0.0 7 3.1 9.1 10.9 10.9 28.8 16.5 6939.5  

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